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I have been heavy all of my adult life. I have tried numerous diets and exercises to lose the weight and keep it off but nothing worked until I found The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by JJ Smith. When I began this journey I weighed over 300 lbs. and today I have successfully lost over 60 lbs. with GSC and a new healthy lifestyle, plus I’m still losing!  I have more energy, my knees don’t hurt anymore, my skin is clear, and I am sugar free!


During my first 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse I lost 15 pounds! I followed JJ's instructions as written and was prepared for the minor detox symptoms (headache and lethargy) that came and went by day 3. In addition to my adulation in losing "fat" and not just "water weight", and not being hungry, I developed a "Can Do" attitude. 


I am passionate about the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse and I am passionate about helping others. As a Certified GSC Leader I am equipped with the knowledge, training, and expertise to help you be successful on your health and weight loss journey.


I am Erica Walker Joynes, let me help you say, “I Can Do This For 10 Days!” 


Certified GSC Leader

National Board Certified Special Education Teacher

Bachelor of Arts Degree (Psychology)

Master of Arts Degree (Human Services/Social Work)

Erica Walker Joynes

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