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Packages & Pricing

Do this for your health, and don't let anything or anyone stand in your way! Let me help you say,

"I Can Do This For 10 Days!"


Two Hour Group Seminar


The two hour group seminar will provide an in-depth overview of The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. Participants will obtain handouts, a printout of the 10 day green smoothie cleanse, and recipes. Participants will learn how to effectively start and successfully complete the cleanse. 

Personal 1:1 Coaching


Some people rather keep their business private and confidential. The confiential 1:1 coaching provides  an in-depth overview of The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, handouts, a printout of 10 day green smoothie cleanse, recipes, weekly face to face meetings, daily motivational calls and/or text messages, success tips, successful detox methods, and after-cleanse support. 


Additional services (personal shopping, smoothie prep, etc.) are available.


Let's take it one step further! Commit for 6 months and let's watch the pounds fall off.


Discount offered with monthly committment

Corporate Seminar 


Are you a member of a group or an organization that wants to learn how to lose weight without diet or exercise, and detox the harmful toxins that are negatively affecting you? Businesses, churches, fraternities, sororities, schools, etc. are welcomed. Let me design a plan for your organization that is either corporate sponsored or member paid. 



The two hour corporate seminar will provide an indepth overview of The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. Participants will obtain handouts, a printout of the 10 day green smoothie cleanse, and recipes. Participants will learn how to effectively start and successfully complete the cleanse. 


Discount offered with monthly committment.


Custom pricing per group.


Group Coaching


Some people work better together. Get a group of family, friends, or co-workers together and let's all get healthy together. 


Group coaching will begin with the two hour group seminar where an in-depth overview of The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse will be presented. Participants will obtain handouts, a printout of the 10 day green smoothie cleanse, and recipes. Participants will learn how to effectively start and successfully complete the cleanse. 


But let's take it one step further. Committed for 2 to 6 months and let's watch the pounds fall off. 


Monthly meetings, daily text messages, weekly support calls. 


Discount offered with monthly committment.


Custom pricing per group

JJ Smith gives tips for

blending green smoothies

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